01_60 80x kīwaha māori

id kīwaha idiom
1 te pai kē that’s really good
2 i aha na what happened
3 a Pita a te pō nei Peter, tonight
4 nā ki a au nei now i think
5 i te nuinga o te wā most of the time
6 ngā mihi maioha o te rā warm greetings of the day
7 ka haere tātou lets go
8 ko wai tēnā who is that
9 anā ia thats the one
10 e hia tēnei mea how many are there
11 āe he kai reka yes its delicious food
12 e hangarau ana koe youre joking
13 e rātou e rātou serves them right
14 kāti tāu e mahi nā you must cease what you are doing
15 haere mai ki roto come back inside
16 me haere ahau i must go
17 aē anō te pai gosh thats good
18 i pai ai fortunately thank goodness
19 kia ora mō tēnā thanks for that
20 me aha ahau what can i do
21 tēnā kōrua greetings to two
22 tokohia koutou i tō rōpū how many people are in your group
23 i mōhio rānei koe, i katia te toa did you know the shop was shut
24 i ngā wā katoa all the time
25 ko rāua ā māua tamariki those two are our children
26 āe koia anō tēnā yes exactly so
27 he aha atu anō what else
28 ahakoa he aha no matter what
29 ka tineia te ahi e te wai water will quench fire
30 ka whiua e ia tana aho ki tua o nga puhitai he flung his line beyond the breakers
31 he mataku tana āhua he looked frightened
32 kei hea te āka where is the scouring pad
33 ko wai to ingoa ake what is your family name
34 me ako koe i ēnei taupānga you should learn these applications
35 ka here koa koe i āku hū please lace my shoes
36 titiro he amo ātaahua look some beautiful amo
37 anā tō kai serves you right
38 tokohia āna tamariki how many children does he have
39 nōku anake te hē i am solely to blame
40 anei tōu pōtae here’s your hat
41 ko papatūānuku te kōkā o te ao papatūānuku is mother earth
42 whū, nō aotearoa ia wow, she’s from new zealand
43 me āpiti e ia ngā tau he should add the numbers
44 e ara i to moenga get up from your bed
45 arā tō tātou waka there is our car
46 e hia ngā pū kei roto i te arapū how many letters are in the alphabet
47 haere ki te ui ki te ariki go and ask the chief
48 taku aroha nui mōu love ya heaps
49 e aru mai e kore au e mau i a koe chase me, you’ll never catch me
50 moata rau good morning
51 kia āta kōrero slowly please
52 nā he ātaahua koe you look beautiful
53 titiro ki te atākura look at the red of the dawn
54 he atawhai rawa koe you are too kind
55 tēnā rawa atu koe thank you very much
56 e te atua whakapainga ēnei kai god bless this food
57 haere mai ki a au come to me
58 he kupu āu māna do you want to leave a message
59 ka aua atu te wā for a long time
60 auē e hika mā goodness me
61 i tarapeke māua i te awa inatahirā we lept into the river the day before yesterday
62 āwhea to rā whānau when is your birthday
63 ko tāku he āwhina noa iho i just want to help
64 ei e hika, e whiti ana te rā friend, the sun is shining
65 kua ea tēnā so thats that
66 ei e mā, ehara nāku hey mum, it is not mine
67 ei e hoa, ehara ia au te hē hey friend, its not my fault
68 he waka eke noa a canoe for everyone
69 nāku ēnā tamariki those children are mine
70 ma wai ēnei kai for whom is this food
71 engari mō tēnā not a chance
72 te nui hoki o te utu o ērā hū those sneakers cost a lot
73 he ātaahua ētahi manu some birds are beautiful
74 ha mā te aha i tēnei hey this is better than nothing
75 hā, he kau i runga i te mauti what, there’s a cow on the lawn
76 ka hae ngā pī i ngā puawai bees pollinate flowers
77 kia āta haere go slowly
78 ko te huka hai whakareka tī sugar is used to sweeten tea
79 i hakaina te haka i te tangi a haka was performed at the funeral
80 me hanga pā kirikiri tāua shall we build a sandcastle