02_60 80x kīwaha māori

id kīwaha idiom
81 e hangarau ana koe you’re joking
82 ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi the old net is cast aside, the new net goes fishing
83 he roa nga hāora e whakamahi ana a ia i ana tāngata he works his men long hours
84 ko ngāti tukorehe te hapū ngāti tukorehe is the clan
85 i hara a ia ki tana iwi he offended his people
86 haramai ki roto come inside
87 tio ana te hau the wind was freezing
88 he tio, he huka, he hauhū some ice, some snow, some frost
89 haumi e, hui e, taiki e join, gather, plait
90 ā haurua mai i te whitu karaka at half past seven
91 ā hauwhā mai I te rima karaka at a quarter past five
92 ehara tēnā hē i a au it’s not my fault
93 nō hea koe where are you from
94 hei aha atu don’t let it bother you
95 e rua tekau heneti twenty cents
96 ka heu, te tane, i tana paihau the man shaved his beard
97 kua haere, te tane, ki te hī the man has gone fishing
98 kia hia māu how many for you
99 kei te hiahia koe do you want to
100 ka kohukihuki te āria i roto i tōna hinengaro he turned the idea over and over in his mind
101 ka hari, a Rere, i te hō Rere carries the spade
102 e hoa tīkina mai ō rapihi friend take your rubbish away
103 hoatu he wai mōna give her some water
104 hoea tō waka go ahead then
105 te hōiho o te tane the horse of the man
106 kua hoko au i ētahi putiputi māku i’ve bought myself some flowers
107 homai koa te tote please pass the salt
108 te hou a te manu the birds feather
109 te ao hou kē kua oti te ao the new normal i totally agree
110 tangohia ōu hū take off your shoes
111 i kainga katoatia e te tamaiti ana hua the child ate up his egg
112 he huarahi roa a long street
113 ka tae au ki te hui i will attend the meeting
114 e tākaro ana ngā tamariki ki te huka the children are playing with the snow
115 i whāia a ia e te hunga pāpāho he was hounded by the media
116 te ihi o te iwi the power of the people
117 he mate tuku iho it is a hereditary disease
118 te iho o te take the heart of the matter
119 e ihowā, he hanga o ngā mea katoa god, the creator of everything
120 whengua tō ihu blow your nose
121 he torouka te ika the fish was uncooked
122 ina tata nei just recently
123 e mara inā rā friend see here
124 kāti te kōrero ināianei tonu stop talking right now
125 ko wai to ingoa can you tell me your name
126 he inu māu would you like a drink
127 i whara au i ngā io o taku waewae mauī I injured the nerves in my left leg
128 kei runga te ipu i te tepū the vase is on the table
129 he pūhoi te ipurangi i te rā nei the internet is very slow today
130 ko ira au i’m dot
131 kei roto te iro i te kai pirau the maggot is in the rotten food
132 ahakoa he iti he pounamu although it is small, it is precious
133 e iwa ngā āporo i waho i te rākau there are nine apples in the tree
134 na te awa i wehe ngā iwi e rua the river divided the two tribes
135 ka kā te ahi i te takurua ia rā ia rā in the winter the fire burns everyday
136 kia kaha te kai eat up
137 kāhore kau none at all
138 i pēhea tāu kai what was your food like
139 i raruraru ngā kaiako the teachers were puzzled
140 he kāinga kākāriki, nē hā a green house, isn’t it
141 ka taea e te kau te rere? kāo can a cow fly, no
142 kāore e kore without a doubt
143 he kapu kawhe, he kapu tī rānei a cup of coffee or a cup of tea
144 nā titiro ake, i runga i ngā kapua now look up, above the clouds
145 haere ki te karanga atu ki a wawe go and call out to wawe
146 he momo kararehe a type of animal
147 kua mamae oku karu I have sore eyes
148 āe, kātahi nā ka tika yes, now you’re on the right track
149 nā e kare, ā kāti now dear, let’s leave it there
150 kāo, ehara ia he kau no, it’s a cow
151 kaua e rorirori kaua e haere atu don’t be silly dont go
152 e mā, e ānini ana taku kauae mum my chin hurts
153 nā e kare, whakarongo ki ngā kaumātua now dear, listen to your elders
154 i makaia te kaupapa ki waho the proposal was thrown out
155 kei te kaute te kōtiro i te hēpi the girl counts the sheep
156 ko tēnei te wā this is the time
157 ka rongo te kea ki te ngē o tana māmā the kea listens to the screech of his mother
158 kei te aha kē a Mere what is Mere doing
159 i hari te kaumatua te kete hou the kaumatua carried the new bag
160 ka kukuti a wherete te keu i a te pū wai fred squeezed the trigger of the water pistol