03_60 80x kīwaha māori

id kīwaha idiom
161 kī mai ki a au tell me
162 he kino kē koe you are too much
163 ka kite anō see you again
164 kei te aha te whakaaro i tēnei kīwaha what is meant by this idiom
165 āwaiā e kō good heavens girl friend
166 me aha koa nevertheless
167 anei taku koha here is my contribution
168 me he pine te koi as sharp as a tack
169 haere atu i konei get away from here
170 ko te kōpū he taonga the womb is a treasure
171 kāore e kore, e tino rangirua ana without a doubt, it is very doubtful
172 e ai ki nga kōrero according to legend
173 kei hea rā tō tāua ngeru koretake where the hells our useless cat
174 kia āio i a kōrua be calm you two
175 kotahi rau tara one hundred dollars
176 he pai me te koura as good as gold
177 i kū mai ana ngā tui i te ata pō the tuis cooed before dawn
178 kua haere kē ia hes already gone
179 e kui e pēhea ana te wai how is the water
180 āe rā he kupu mārō ēnā I agree those are hard words
181 he kura ngā tae the colour is red
182 nā te kurī au i mataku ai the dog frightened me
183 nā e hika mā, haramai ki roto now friends, come inside
184 ka mae te pekapeka i te ao marama the bat was stunned in the daylight
185 ka horomi e ia te maha o ngā kai he gobbled a large meal
186 māku e mahi ngā kai I will get the kai ready
187 huakina mai tō waha open up your mouth
188 kia mākinakina ki uta it will be cold inland
189 he wai noa iho māku just water for me
190 ko wai te māmā o tērā tamariki who is the mother of that child
191 he wheua pākaru he mamae rawa a broken bone is really painful
192 aē rā he mana tō te kupu I agree words have power
193 ka taea e tatou te manaaki i te ao we can look after the world
194 he manawa nui a big heart
195 te wai māori o tērā manga the fresh water of that stream
196 ka āta hikoi te tangata i runga i te mānia the man walks carefully over the plain
197 ka rongo au ngā manu e ngē ana i ia ata I hear the birds screeching every morning
198 haere ki waho, ā, me manaaki te manuhi go outside and look after the guests
199 nā e moko kōrero māori mai now grandchild, speak to me in māori
200 kāore au i haere ki te marae inapō I didn’t go to the marae last night
201 ā, he marama ātaahua yes, a beautiful moon
202 ka koa te hunga i raro i tōna maru the group were happy under his protection
203 kia mātaratara ki tai it will be cold on the shore
204 kia tūpato kia ū ki te matau be careful keep to the right
205 mate ana tana āhua she looks sick
206 he kaimahi matihiko ia she is a digital worker
207 i mahi kai mātou i mua i te hui we prepared food before the meeting
208 he tane whakakatakata tō matua your dad is a funny man
209 nō hea ō mātua i tēnei rā where are your parents today
210 haki rā kāore ia e mau kākahu how disgusting she isnt wearing any clothes
211 ei e ipō he aha māu hey sweetheart what would you like
212 auē kua kite kē māua i tēnei ataata alas we have already seen this video
213 kia tūpato kia ū ki te mauī be careful keep to the left
214 kei te māuiui koe are you sick
215 i taku pepeha ko tararua te maunga in my pepeha tararua is the mountain
216 aē maika he mauri tō ngā mea katoa how about that everything has a life force
217 mehemea ka haere koe, ka haere au hoki if you go, i’ll go too
218 me waea mai mēnā e pīrangi ana koe kia tīkina atu call me if you need a ride
219 ngā mihi o te wā the greetings of the time
220 he mōhio anō koe ki te whakamahi i te mīhini nei do you know how to operate this machine
221 he rangi pai tēnei mō te kaewa it’s a good day to wander
222 he moana makariri nē hā a cold ocean isn’t it
223 i pēhea tō moe how was your sleep
224 kāore au e mōhio i dont know
225 tokowhā aku moko katoa he kōtiro I have 4 grandchildren they are all girls
226 he momo tonu true to form
227 kei a au ētahi moni i have some money
228 kia tokowhā anake ngā tāngata ma te motokā only four people per car
229 i hoe ia i mātou ki te motu she rowed us to the island
230 mōu tēnei hākari this celebration is for you
231 kua tawhito rawa te ao mū the insect world is ancient
232 kei mua te one i te whare. the beach is in front of the house.
233 ka mui ngā iro i te whare maggots infested the house
234 i muri mai o tērā after that
235 me mutu ake i konei I will stop here
236 nāku tēnei pukapuka nē rā this books mine isn’t it
237 nāna i whakareka te tī he sugared the tea
238 nau mai haramai piki mai welcome, welcome, welcome
239 he reka te keke nei nē rā this cake is sweet isn’t it
240 he tika koe, i mokemoke taku ngākau you are right, I was lonley