04_60 80x kīwaha māori

id kīwaha idiom
241 nau mai e ngā hua o te ngakina welcome food from the garden
242 i ngē te kea i te atakura the kea screeched in the morning light
243 ka ngō te pēpī mō tōna māmā the baby cryed out for his mother
244 kotahi tekau ngā ringa o te ngū a squid has ten arms
245 horoia ō niho clean your teeth
246 nō hea kōrua where are you from
247 he mea noa iho its nothing no problem
248 noho ora mai stay well
249 ka nui taku mīharo i find that amazing
250 he pēwhea ki ō whakaaro what do you think
251 kei te oho koe are you awake
252 ka oi a Rewi I te moana makariri david shuddered in the cold ocean
253 ka ōi ngā tamariki i ngā karoro the children shouted at the seagulls
254 i oka ia ngā kāwhe i tērā marama she vaccinated the calves last month
255 i oke ia i te hau kaha ki te tonga he struggled forward in a a strong southerly wind
256 tīkina te oko me te miraka i roto fetch the bowl with the milk in it
257 kua mahue ōku mōhiti i a au i’ve left my glasses behind
258 pai kare oma atu by golly run away
259 kia tere ka maka te keke ki roto i te ōmu be quick put the cake in the oven
260 kei te pōwaiwai ōna whakaaro his thoughts are in a whirl
261 kei waenganui te waka o te whare me te one the waka is between the house and the beach
262 ā haurua mai i te ono karaka ka haere mai i te pāhi the bus comes at six thirty
263 ono tekau, whakawehea ki te tekau, ka ono sixty divided by ten equals six
264 kāore he ope i tua atu i a rātou there is no better entourage than them
265 he matahīapo te ora life is precious
266 ko te rua tekau ōrau o te iwi pai āporo ai 20% of the population like apples
267 hoatu ngā hopu oro ki taku rākau pūmahara put the sound recording on my usb
268 kua oti i konei I am through here
269 mō te ōti e rua tekau tara me te iwa tekau heneti mō te puhera oats are 20 dollas and 90 cents per bushel
270 pōkaia ōu ringa fold your arms
271 kia tūpato, arā he pā wuruhi be careful, overthere is a pack of wolves
272 ka noho he tui i runga i tōna pae a tui sits on his perch
273 he mahi pai tāku i have a good job
274 makaia ngā pikopiko pākehā ki runga i te rorerore throw the asparagus on the barbeque
275 kei te pānui a rāwiri i tana pukapuka david is reading his book
276 i pao haere te iwi the people sang as they went
277 e noho au i te papa o runga i live on the top floor
278 ko Papatūānuku e takoto nei the earth mother lies beneath us
279 kua pau te hau run out of oomph
280 ākene pea, he karere tāu māna perhaps do you want to leave a message
281 i pēhea te hākari? how was the celebration?
282 nō te tuatahi o ngā marama te pei tuatahi o te ope nei on the first of the month the entourage got their first pay
283 he inati titiro ki te pī i runga I te pua extraordinary look at the bee in the flower
284 kōripia nga tōmato slice the tomatoes
285 ka pio te wahine i te ahi the woman extinguished the fire
286 i piu ngā kōtiro ki te kura the girls skipped to school
287 ā te pō nei ka moe i will sleep tonight
288 ka kino kē a rūpi ki te poi tarawhiti ruby is outstanding at netball
289 i kīkia e ia te pōro i waenganui i ngā pou piro he booted the ball between the goal posts
290 kei te pōuri au i ō īmēra I’m saddened by your email
291 he ‘a’ te pū the letter a
292 kua puta nga pua the blossoms are out
293 he aha te utu mō te pukapuka what is the price for the book
294 he whenua pukepuke nē hā a hilly land isn’t it
295 puta atu koe you get out
296 me haere au i te tere ki te taiwhanga pūtaiao I have to go quickly to the science lab
297 kai te whiti te rā the sun is shining
298 kua mamae tōku rae I have a sore forehead
299 he pai tōku rākau murumuru I like my shady tree
300 he kapu kawhe, he kapu tī rānei a cup of coffee or a cup of tea
301 ka hōhā ngā rangatira i tēnā kōrero the chiefs were bored by that talk
302 he rangi ātea a cloudless day
303 te aroha te whakapono me te rangimarie love, hope, and peace
304 ko Ranginui e tū iho nei I stand beneath Ranginui
305 he aha he rarangi māori mō tēnei mea what is a sentence in māori for this thing
306 he mā koe ngā raraunga the data is squeaky clean
307 kei raro te kūri i te whare the dog is under the house
308 he rau ringa e oti ai many hands make light work
309 whū, nō kuki airani rāua wow, they’re from the cook islands
310 tēnā rawa atu koutou katoa thank you all very much
311 he rawe he mahi whakapātari choice it was challenging work
312 rē rē he kea ki runga i tōna pae there there a kea on its perch
313 kua rei te kurī i te ua the dog is wet from the rain
314 kei te hē tēnā kāre kau au i reira that is wrong i was never there
315 kia turituri tō reo hush
316 kei te rere te pīrorohū huri noa i te puawai the bumble bee is flying around the flower
317 i rī te hau ka mau te wehi the wind is screened out fantastic
318 ā rima tekau karaka tā tātou hui our meeting is at five oclock
319 hōmai to ringa hold out your hand
320 ka riri mai koe youll get angry