A vs O categories

from Matua Parāone’s Taringa podcast.
These are the kawekawe o te wheke that all belong to the ‘O’ category; generally anything outside of these would fall into the ‘A’ category.
•Whakarākei - Adornments (Clothes, taonga, etc).
•Whanaunga - Relations (Of the same generation or older - also to note that your hoa belong to ‘O’; including hoa rangatira; except when you refer to your better half as your tāne or wahine, then its ‘A’ category).
•Waka - Modes of transport (Where transport is their main purpose e.g not a bulldozer cause its main purpose is its mahi).
•Wāhanga - Parts of someone/thing (Body parts, Parts of house, etc).
•Whakaruruhau - Shelter (Kāinga, various whare, tari, etc - be careful of things like Umbrella as they are only consider shelter when in use, however when it isn’t its just a rākau which would be an ‘A’ category).
•Whakaora - Something beneficial to your wellbeing (Rongoā, Wai māori).
•Wāhi - Places (Towns/Cities, Whenua, Marae complex, etc).
•Whakaahua - Adjectives, Qualities of something/someone (Te ātaahua hoki o tōku hoa rangatira, te tawhito o te whare, etc).