ID | te reo | eng | source |
1 | te | the | hifreq |
2 | a | particle | hifreq |
3 | e | particle | hifreq |
4 | i | particle | hifreq |
5 | o | of | hifreq |
6 | u | a sound only | na |
7 | aha | do what | hifreq |
8 | he | a, an, some | hifreq |
9 | mea | thing | hifreq |
10 | pūrere | device | matihiko |
11 | he aha tēnei mea | what is this thing | interrogative |
12 | tēnā koe | hello (to 1 other) | greeting |
13 | roro | brain | tinana |
14 | hiko | electricity | hangarau |
15 | he waka eke noa | our shared resource | whakataukī |
16 | waea | telephone | hangarau |
17 | he aha tēnā pūrere | what is that device | interrrogative |
18 | matikiho | digital | matihiko |
19 | rorohiko | computer | matihiko |
20 | nau mai haramai piki mai | welcome welcome welcome | greeting |
21 | waka hiko | electric car | hangarau |
22 | waea atamai | smart phone | matihiko |
23 | he aha tērā pūrere | what is that device | interrogative |
24 | he tino pai i a au tō waea atamai | i really like your smartphone | opinion |