Akoranga mōkitokito | papawai 006_600

akoranga mōkitokito | papawai 006_600

id kupu eng
01 to be wrong
02 already
03 tēnā well then
04 e pēhea ana koe
05 tēnā rawa atu koe thank you very much
06 long vowel sound
07 isn’t it
08 mō taku hē my mistake
09 tēnā kōrua hello you two
10 he aha te ingoa mō tēnā wē what is the name of this liquid
11 to be mashed
12 over there
13 he kino kē koe you are too much
14 mīharo kē amazing
15 tēnā he pātai tāku now, i have a question
18 tēnā rawa atu koutou katoa thank you all very much
19 ngē to screech
20 ehara tōku tēnā hē
21 ngē to screech
22 whē stick insect
23 ko te whē he angiangi mū a stick insect is a thin insect
24 tēnā e kō ā tērā wiki now girlfriend next week