Ehara i te - this is not | 10_1,440

ehara i te - this is not

  • arotahi: whakahau

  • horopaki: matihiko

  • kīanaga: ehara i te

anei he ataata

mahi ako - learning practice

kōrero ā-waha te reo eng
kīanga 01 ehara tēnei now this is not …
kīanga 02 i te manu, he rererangi a bird, its a plane
kīanga 03 i te kakautohu, he kiore a joystick, its a mouse
kīanga 04 i te kete, he kāta hoko a basket, its a shopping cart
kīanga 05 i te ata, he atapātuhi an icon, its an emoji
kīanga 06 i mahi pai well done
kīanga 07 tēnā ehara tēnei … now this is not …
kīanga 08 i te kāri nama, he kāri atamai a credit card, its a smart card
kīanga 09 i te hopuoro, he tukuoro a microphone, its a speaker
kīanga 10 i te ata taikaha, he ata nuku a bold icon, its an indent icon
kīanga 11 i te atakata, he atapātuhi a meme, its an emoji
kīanga 12 ka mutu pea cool

e rua kāri ako hei whakaharatau māu

tohu otianga: takirua tēnei ataata

proof of practice - make a duet along to this animation or equivalent

te matawai 010_f20

anei he PDF (4pg A4)

te matawai 010_144.pdf (845.1 KB)

he ataata mo ngā takirua pāhopori

click for ataata 010_144: ehara i te

ngā mihi - acknowledgements

arotahi: whakahau horopaki: matihiko
tatau kupu: 17 kupu hou 30 kupu katoa
wā + tāruarua: 60 hekona x 15
kaha ākonga: 15 meneti 0.25 haora katoa
tohu NZQA: 30735, lvl 1, cr 4 23091, lvl 2, cr 5
pānga: ī-punareo:
raraunga ine: i mahi pai app iOS + android
koha: 80% gifted to marae of choice