Ō tātou aitanga pepeke | 018_720

Ō tātou aitanga pepeke huinga 03_10

click image for 2min video

6 of 9x learning sequences [gifa]

click an image for 20sec video


for the trainer

id te reo english horopaki ako
01 kīia ā-waha say aloud ako horipū
02 kīia ā-waha he pai au ki te … say aloud i like the … ako horipū
03 kīia ā-waha nā āta tirohia he … say aloud now look carefully a … ako horipū
04 kīia ā-waha nā kātahi te … rerehua say aloud now what a beautiful … ako horipū
05 kīia ā-waha ānana kātahi he … … rerehua say aloud wow what a beautiful … ako horipū
06 kīia ā-waha nā kāore au e pai ki te … say aloud now i don’t like the … ako horipū
07 e hika mā kōrero mai friends speak to me ako horipū
08 e mara mā kōrero mai friends speak to me ako horipū
09 nā e te iwi kīia ā-waha now to all the people say aloud ako horipū
10 nā e mā e pā kōrero mai now mum dad speak to me ako horipū
11 nā e te pākehā kīia ā-waha now to all the pākehā say aloud ako horipū
12 nā e te whānau kīia ā-waha now to all the family say aloud ako horipū
13 nā e te rangatira kīia ā-waha now to all the respected elders say aloud ako horipū
14 nā kīia ēnei ororeo ā-waha ā-kākā now say these phonetics repeatedly aloud ako horipū

for the learner

id te reo english horopaki ako
01 nā e kare kia auaha now friend be creatitve ako horipū
02 ānana e tama kia rite wow son be ready ako horipū
03 tēnā e kare mā kia rite now friends be ready ako horipū
04 nā e hika mā kia mataara now friend be vigilant ako horipū
05 tēnā tēna e tai kia manawanui now friend be steadfast ako horipū
06 manu butterfly kupu
07 kahuku monarch butterfly kupu
08 pūrēhua moth kupu
09 mumutawa ladybird kupu
10 pekepekeharatua daddy long legs kupu
11 kikipounamu katydid kupu
12 nā + ko now + no translation ororeo
13 wai + au who + i ororeo
14 ia + koe he she it + you ororeo
15 tūngoungou chrysalis kupu
16 āwhato caterpillar kupu
17 pēpepe butterfly kupu
18 waeroa mosquito kupu
19 kapokapowai dragonfly kupu
20 pekepekeharatua daddy long legs kupu
21 pokorua ant kupu
22 upokorua ant kupu
23 pokopokorua ant kupu
24 i mahi pai well done whakaū
25 karawhiua give it heaps whakaū
26 mīharo kē astonishing whakaū
27 ka wani kē you’re a genius whakaū
28 taputapu kē choice whakaū
29 ka mau te wehi fantastic whakaū
arotahi: whakahau horopaki: matihiko
tatau kupu: 80 kupu hou 170 kupu katoa
wā + tāruarua: 2 meneti x 15
kaha ākonga: 15 meneti 0.25 haora katoa
tohu NZQA: 30735, lvl 1, cr 4 23091, lvl 2, cr 5
pānga: panga.whanau.tv ī-punareo: hau.whanau.tv
raraunga ine: i mahi pai app iOS + android
koha: koha.kapaigroup.net 80% gifted to marae of choice