15 rā e toe ana - maumauharatanga 01_03
6 of 9x learning sequences [gifa]
for the trainer
id | te reo | english | horopaki ako |
01 | ei e mā e pā kīia ā-waha | hey mum dad say aloud | karanga |
02 | a tēnā e te mātua kīia ā-waha | well now all the parents say aloud | ako horipū |
03 | nā kīia ā-waha he tākupu | now say aloud that’s sprig of isnt it | mahara |
04 | whū kīia ā-waha kātahi te … pīwari nē | wow say aloud 'what a beautiful isnt it | mahara |
05 | e te whānau kīia ā-waha e kare mā | to all the family say aloud friends | tūhau |
06 | nā e tā mā … kīia ēnei oreore ā-waha ā-kākā | now dudes say these phonetics aloud repeatedly | ā-kākā |
07 | nā kīia ā-waha nana e te iwi | now say aloud now to all the people | kīwaha |
08 | nana e hika mā kīia ā-waha | now friends say aloud | whakaū |
09 | nā kīia ā-waha tēnā e ipo kua hia | now say aloud now sweetheart how many | pātai |
10 | nana kīia ā-waha e tau kua toe | now say aloud darling there are remaining | urupare |
for the learner script
id | te reo | english | horopaki ako | context |
01 | tēnā e hika | now friend | karanga | call |
02 | tēnā tēnā e tai | now then friend | karanga | call |
03 | anā e mara | behold friend | karanga | call |
04 | kia haumaru | be safe | ako horipū | instruction |
05 | kia ngākau mahaki | be pleasant | ako horipū | instruction |
06 | kia wātea te hinengaro | be open minded | ako horipū | instruction |
07 | rōhimere | rosemary | mahara | kindness |
08 | tāima | thyme | mahara | kindness |
09 | heihi | sage | mahara | kindness |
10 | kānara | candle | mahara | kindness |
11 | kūkupa | dove | mahara | kindness |
12 | tūpare | garland | mahara | kindness |
13 | e taki | boom | tūhau | exclaimation |
14 | wāwau ana | crazy | tūhau | exclaimation |
15 | wī | wow | tūhau | exclaimation |
16 | nā ki | now then + to | ā-kākā | phonetics |
17 | a mau | now + hold | ā-kākā | phonetics |
18 | ki te | to + the | ā-kākā | phonetics |
19 | mau ma | carry + - | ā-kākā | phonetics |
20 | ha ra | hey + - | ā-kākā | phonetics |
21 | kia mau ki te maumahara kei ngaro | hold on to your memories, so they don’t get lost | kīwaha | idiom |
22 | kia mau ki te maumahara kei wareware | hold on to your memories, so they don’t get forgotten | kīwaha | idiom |
23 | kia mau ki te maumahara kei ngakinga kore | hold on to your memories, so they don’t get forgotten | kīwaha | idiom |
24 | i mahi pai | well done | whakaū | affirmation |
25 | karawhiua | give it heaps | whakaū | affirmation |
26 | ka mutu pea tō mahi | your work was exceptional | whakaū | affirmation |
27 | kua hea ngā rā e toe ana | how many days remaining | pātai | question |
28 | tekau mā whitu ngā rā | 15 days remaining | urupare | answer |
arotahi: | whakahau | horopaki: matihiko |
tatau kupu: | 90 kupu hou | 173 kupu katoa |
wā + tāruarua: | 2 meneti | x 15 |
kaha ākonga: | 15 meneti | 0.25 haora katoa |
tohu NZQA: | 30735, lvl 1, cr 4 | 23091, lvl 2, cr 5 |
pānga: | panga.whanau.tv | ī-punareo: hau.whanau.tv |
raraunga ine: | i mahi pai app | iOS + android … |
koha: | koha.kapaigroup.net | 80% gifted to marae of choice |