Ō tātou whānau | 031_720

24 rā e toe ana - whakawhanaungatanga 01_25

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6 of 9x learning sequences [gifa]


for the trainer

id te reo english horopaki ako
01 tēnā kīia ā-waha now say aloud karanga
02 tēnā e hika kīia ā-waha well friend say aloud ako horipū
03 nā kīia ā-waha ko wai ia ko ia te now say aloud who is he she … he she is the tūhono
04 tēnā kīia ā-waha āe rā ko au tāna now say aloud of course I am his her tūhono
05 nā kōrero kia rongo te ao e mara mā now speak out so the world can hear friends tūhau
06 nā e te iwi kīia ēnei oreore ā-waha ā-kākā now to all the families say these phonetic sounds aloud repeatedly ā-kākā
07 nā kīia ā-waha ā ko ia te moko a now say aloud yes he she is the grandchild of ingoa
08 nā e te whānau kīia ā-waha now to the families say aloud whakaū

for the learner script

id te reo english horopaki ako context
01 tēnā now karanga call
02 tēnā tēnā now then karanga call
03 tēnā tēnā e tai now then friend karanga call
04 kia toa be strong ako horipū instruction
05 kia kaha rā be strong ako horipū instruction
06 kia rite be ready ako horipū instruction
07 whaea mother tūhono connection
08 matua father tūhono connection
09 piripoho newborn tūhono connection
10 dad tūhono connection
11 pāpā dad tūhono connection
12 hākoro father tūhono connection
13 inati superb tūhau exclaimation
14 wehi nā that’s amazing tūhau exclaimation
15 ānana wow tūhau exclaimation
16 ko + te no english equiv + the ā-kākā phonetics
17 whā + nau four + welcome ā-kākā phonetics
18 te + ngā the + the ā-kākā phonetics
19 kau + o swim + of ā-kākā phonetics
20 te + ao the + dawn ā-kākā phonetics
21 ani anne kīwaha idiom
22 āniwaniwa rainbow kīwaha idiom
23 ānaru andrew kīwaha idiom
24 ka wani kē genius whakaū affirmation
25 i mahi pai well done whakaū affirmation
26 tau kē nei magnificent whakaū affirmation
arotahi: whakahau horopaki: matihiko
tatau kupu: 80 kupu hou 170 kupu katoa
wā + tāruarua: 2 meneti x 15
kaha ākonga: 15 meneti 0.25 haora katoa
tohu NZQA: 30735, lvl 1, cr 4 23091, lvl 2, cr 5
pānga: panga.whanau.tv ī-punareo: hau.whanau.tv
raraunga ine: i mahi pai app iOS + android
koha: koha.kapaigroup.net 80% gifted to marae of choice