Our 15,000 sets of 6 cards

We have chunked 14,400 kupu, needed for NCEA Level 1 english or te reo, into 15,000 sets of 6 kupu.

We need to be able to use the entire set of 14,400 kupu, in order to confidently sit and pass NCEA Level 1 Te Reo or English (or equivalents like the UK’s GCSE ‘O’ levels).

puna kupu hunga
Bible First 100 hi-frequency words (=75% of all words in King James bible, edition 1952)
NZCER Ko nga kupu pū noa, 1982
MoE Marautanga ++ Te Kete Ipurangi ++ paekupu
TTRW Te Taura Whiri ++ 100 kupu all New Zealanders must know
Dict Include but not limited to Williams ++ Laws ++ maori ++ Ngata