Whakatau māori | set 07_16 | 1,440 takirua ataata

37_96 koia koia - well well 01

37_96 koia koia - well well 02

38_96 koia anō - no wonder 01

38_96 koia anō - no wonder 02

39_96 he pono koia - is it really possible 01

39_96 he pono koia - is it really possible 02

40_96 pai mutunga - marvellous 01

40_96 pai mutunga - marvellous 02

41_96 te mutunga iho - at the end of the day 01

41_96 te mutunga iho - at the end of the day 02

42_96 te hia - fancy that 01

42_96 te hia - fancy that 02