Te - the | 1_14,400

te - the

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Te is the most commonly used word in the King James bible.

Te is the first of the 40 most frequently used te reo māori words.

Te is a definite article, that indicates that the following base word is singular.

te reo eng
te āporo the apple
te kupu the word
te rā the day

Te begin definite nominal phrases.

Nominal is a word or word group functioning as a noun

Te is used when a whole class of objects is being referred to.

te reo eng
te kererū the (class of) pigeons
te ika the (class of) fish
te waka the (class of) cars

kei te [verb] - refers to present continuous

te reo eng
kei te aha a pita what is peter doing
kei te kōrero ia he is talking
kei te moe a mere mary is sleeping
kei te moe te tinana my body sleeps
kei te aha koe how are you
kei te pēwhea koe how are you

i te [verb] - refers to past continuous tense

te reo eng
i te aha a pita what was peter doing
i te kōrero ia he was talking
i te moe a mere mary was sleeping
i te aha koe how were you
i te pēwhea koe how were you

nō te - when

refers to the point in time at which an action took place

te reo eng
no te ata ka haere a pita peter left in the morning
i te kōrero ia he was talking
i te moe a mere mary was sleeping
i te aha koe how were you
i te pēwhea koe how were you

Te - the | click for 15 second TikTok video

id te reo eng
1_4 te the
2_4 e te whānau family
3_4 ko tēnei te wā this is the day
4_4 o te aroha nui of the big love